Disease affecting Southland kanakana/lamprey
7 October 2011
Disease affecting Southland kanakana/lamprey
Kanakana, or lamprey, in the Mataura River have become affected by a bacterial disease.
The bacteria are no risk to human health, however we advise people not to eat kanakana or other fish that look unusual or unhealthy.
We have provisionally identified the bacteria as /Aeromonas salmonicida/ and are completing full testing to identify the exact strain and understand its significance. This bacteria has not been identified in New Zealand before. Full results are expected by late October.
We are also stepping up monitoring programmes in Southland and working with Environment Southland, commercial fisheries, recreational and customary fishers of kanakana, and recreational water users to find out if other waterways and fish are affected.
Until more information is confirmed, fishers and river users are reminded to be vigilant to check, clean and dry their equipment and clothing between waterways.
To date, there are no signs the bacteria is affecting other species. It is known to affect salmon, trout, eel, and whitebait and could affect native fish such as kokopu.
Kanakana with the bacteria are likely to have red and/or swollen fins red and/or swollen marks that look like bruises or blood clots.
If anyone finds sick or dead kanakana or any other fish with these symptoms, they can phone the MAF hotline (0800 80 99 66) who will advise what to do next, such as collecting them for testing.
Background information: What are kanakana?
Found throughout New Zealand, kanakana look similar to eels but have a circular sucker instead of a mouth, and seven gill holes along the side of their body just behind their head.
They spawn in freshwater rivers and live most of their adult lives in the sea where they latch their sucker onto whales and large fish and suck their blood and juices.
Kanakana are fished primarily by Māori as a traditional food source.