New cycle infrastructure attracts more cyclists

Published: Thu 21 Jul 2011 04:01 PM
Thursday 22 July
New cycle infrastructure attracts more cyclists
New cycling infrastructure such as the Kingsland section of the North Western cycleway continues to attract more cyclists. Cyclist movements/or trips along this section are up 19 per cent from last year according to a survey by Auckland Transport.
The Cycle Monitoring Programme, now in its fifth year, is a one day snapshot of cycling in the region taken in the second week of March each year. The sites were monitored at peak times from 6.30 am to 9 am and then again from 4 pm to 7 pm.
More than 13,400 cyclist movements/trips were recorded at 82 sites across the region.
Auckland Transport Community Transport Manager Matthew Rednall says cycling is a very good investment of public money.
“As for every dollar you spend on providing cycle facilities such as cycle lanes, it will generate at least a return of $3 to $4.
“After only being open one year, the numbers for the Kingsland section are very good.
“And earlier this year the Manukau Harbour cycleway network, a joint project between Auckland Transport and NZTA opened, with safe cycling facilities connecting Onehunga to Mangere.
“Tamaki Drive recorded as the busiest site continues to be a popular cycling route. Following a fatal cyclist death late last year Auckland Transport has implemented a number of safety measures along the route which included new road markings, improved signage and removal of car park spaces. A specific public awareness campaign around sharing of the road space was also carried out. Further engineering enhancements will continue to be delivered along Tamaki Drive to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians
“This is the fifth year of the cycling monitoring programme. Measuring and evaluating cycling trends and characteristics around the region is important for planning and ensuring the investment in cycling delivers the expected outcomes.
“Cycling is healthy, economical, good for the environment and a key contributing element in a liveable city,” says Mr Rednall.
The monitoring programme also counted the numbers of school children riding to school. Belmont Intermediate School had the highest numbers cycling to school, 165 out of a school roll of 547 or 30 per cent. The school recently won a national cycling award for its contribution encouraging cycling.
Two per cent of school children aged 10 years and above cycle to school. Other data apart from counting cyclists included helmet wearing (91 per cent) and gender (79 per cent).
More findings from the 2011 survey
• Cycling movements increased by 3 per cent to 13,406 from last year
• There has been an increase of 30 per cent in the five years of monitoring (since 2007), an increase of 7 per cent per annum
• Weather conditions were mostly fine on the monitoring days (some light rain in the evening)
• Tamaki Drive site has the highest count in Auckland. Cyclist movements increased by 19 per cent to 1,059 from last year.
• Cycling in and around the Auckland CBD increased by approximately 10 per cent

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