Notice of public meeting on Otaki's electricity - Wed Feb 23
Notice of public meeting on Otaki's electricity on Wed Feb 23 7.30pm Rotary Hall
An Otaki community group is holding a public meeting on Wednesday Feb 23rd to discuss the future of Otaki’s energy and ask if Otaki can generate more electricity than it uses.
Deirdre Kent, a spokeperson for Transition Town Otaki, which started the Otaki Timebank and the weekly Seasonal Surplus food stall, said they now wanted to turn their attention to energy.
“The Otaki Community Board passed a resolution last February ‘that the Otaki community aspires to be the first New Zealand ‘off-grid’ town by becoming a net supplier to the national electricity grid as part of the Greater Ōtaki Vision economic development strategy’, so we want a public forum to present the facts and examine what this would involve”, she said.
The title of the meeting is "Powering Otaki – Can Otaki generate more electricity than it uses?"
Speakers at the meeting will include Jake Roos and Alison Lash from KCDC, Ross Leggett from Electra, Tim Armstrong of East Harbour Energy and Sean Weaver of Carbon Partnership. It will be chaired by Kimbal McHugo of Optimised Energy.
Rotary Hall, Wed 23rd, 7.30pm