Poverty increases, social progress is "stalled"
Poverty increases, social progress is "stalled"
"Social wellbeing is being stalled, while poverty and inequality are thriving" says Rose Black, Poverty Action Waikato spokesperson.
"What is being brought to our attention in Hamilton is that people are arriving at community agencies with more complex issues on multiple levels. People are presenting with housing, employment and debt issues" she says.
There is marked increase in people accessing WINZ services, with a greater than 20% increase in some places.
"Our young people say that there are no jobs. At the same time the skill based and employment focused programmes being offered are required to be shorter in length and achieve pre-determined outcomes that may not meet the needs of the people attending the programmes. Our youth are being disenfranchised. It is no wonder that our social progress is stalled" says Karen Morrison-Hume, Anglican Action Missioner.
The Salvation Army Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit and Poverty Action Waikato invite you to
The Salvation Army 2011 'State of the Nation' address
The disappointing picture of New Zealand's recent social progress
Monday 14th February at 12.30pm
St Peters Cathedral Centre
Up the hill at 51 Victoria Street, Hamilton (Police station/ south end)
Some free parking is available on the hill and behind the Cathedral.