Love to Roll 2011 – The Valentine’s Day Ride
Love to Roll 2011 – The Valentine’s Day
Join Frocks on Bikes to celebrate summer and love with a stylish street ride to the Island Bay Festival ( ) – and a chance to win amazing prizes.

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When: Sunday 13th February. Where: Meet at 1pm at Oriental Bay, near Freyberg Pool. Dress to impress in your best outfits accompanied by the essential partner (a bike) and any special friends and biking buddies you care to bring along.
The ride will take the coastal route from the city, through Kilbirnie to Lyall Bay, picking up fellow Frockers from outside the Maranui Café at 2pm. It will then travel around the coast to Island Bay where prize winners will be announced and spot prizes drawn at the festival venue.

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To be in to win fantastic prizes, including dinner for two at Duke Carvell’s, double movie vouchers at Paramount or a gorgeous Mamachari bike, you need to register at . Categories are Best-Dressed Couple (any combo!), Most Awesome Bike and Most Chic Lover to Roll.