Canterbury rural fire update,
Canterbury rural fire update, Thursday 23 December 2010
Speaking from an emergency coordination centre in Christchurch today, the Canterbury & West Coast Regional Rural Fire Committee advises that most of yesterdays fires have been extinguished.
There are now only two major fires still being worked on. These fires are located in South Canterbury near Waimate and just north of Christchurch near the coast.
Resources have been brought into Canterbury from around the country to assist. Fire crews have come from as far away Northland and include as many as 10 rural fire agencies.
Conditions later today and this evening are expected to be challenging for rural fire authorities with severe nor’west gales predicted prior to rain early tomorrow morning.
“Fire danger will be extreme today,” says Tony Teeling, spokesperson for Canterbury & West Coast Regional Rural Fire Committee.
“The public are asked to be exceptionally careful with anything that could cause a fire. Call 111 immediately to report fire.”