‘Silly Season Scammers Are Back Again'
‘Silly Season Scammers Are Back Again’
A Grey Power member (name withheld) has received a letter purporting to be from a Spanish
Lottery and using a claims agent “Winterthu Group of Company S.A.” and it advises him that there
Were 5 winners and the prize is to be shared.
There is an insurance firm called Winterhur but this letter is an outright scam said local President
Tony Grant-Fargie, and anyone receiving these letters should bin them straight away.
Every year about this time these scams and their con merchant promoters appear and if its only
a letter throw it in the rubbish bin and if its an email “block the sender” or simply “delete it”
If you respond to these people the result could be unpleasantly serious and I advise anyone
receiving such rubbish to ignore it.
If the offending party become belligerent in anyway call in the police to assist you.
This is the “silly season” as the temperatures rise weather wise and so do silly behavioural
problems along with the warmer weather !
Everyone should be on guard and extra security conscious at this time of year., said Tony