Police Chief’s comments a disgrace says victim advocate
Police Chief’s comments a disgrace says victim advocate
An organization that advocates for victims of serious crime has slammed Police Commissioner Howard Broads call for a cut in prison numbers.
Sensible Sentencing Trust Spokesman Garth McVicar said the Commissioners comments were a disgrace to the Police organization.
“Comments like this coming from someone who wears the uniform of the law enforcement agency responsible for protecting the public is an utter disgrace.”
“Not only will the criminals be rejoicing, every victim and potential victim will be shaking their head in utter disbelief – as will most New Zealanders.”
“The Police Commissioner talks about prison being the “University of Crime” but conveniently forgets that the prime purpose of prison is to protect the public – which until now I thought was also the prime purpose of the police”.
Mr McVicar said that crime is an individual choice and going to prison is a consequence of making numerous wrong choices – prison is entirely voluntary and nobody goes to prison for misdemeanors. “Invariably they go to prison when all else has failed. To blame constabulary numbers or prison on increasing crime seems to indicate that Mr. Broad does not believe that individuals should be responsible and accountable for their actions.”
“It appears that Mr. Broad has totally ignored the fact that the promotion of liberal polices are entirely responsible for the escalation in violent crime that has led to the “wave of criminals in the system” that he refers to.”
“Mr Broad was appointed in bi-gone era by a regime with a philosophy that those who commit crime are not responsible for their actions – that it was societies fault – obviously Mr. Broad has decided to fire a last salvo now his time in office is coming to an end.”
“Not only does the Commissioner have a responsibility for the safety and protection of all New Zealanders he also has a responsibility as a leader to the thousands of dedicated police who serve under him. His comments on cutting prison numbers will be another nail in the coffin of an already overworked and disillusioned police force.”
“Howard Broad’s comments are an insult to victims of crime and his potential to do irreversible damage to the moral and good name of the police is such that he should resign immediately”.