A New Initiative On Graffiti
A New Initiative On Graffiti

Lambton Ward candidate John Bishop has come up with a scheme to help eliminate graffiti by enrolling householders to paint out graffiti as soon as it appears.
And a Wellington utility company that constantly suffers from graffiti attacks is willing to take the idea forward.
“Everyone hates graffiti and many of us feel powerless to do anything about it, Mr Bishop said. “Part of the problem is getting to the graffiti quickly because taggers are deterred if their work disappears.
“There’s graffiti on many pieces of public property in and around Highbury, Kelburn and in many other spots around the city.
“So my idea is for volunteers in a neighbourhood to hook up with utility companies, and with their permission the volunteers can paint over the graffiti as soon as it goes up.
“I approached Wellington Electricity about the idea and got a very positive response. They are keen to support local communities and volunteer groups to reduce graffiti.
They want to discuss the idea further as there are some health and safety issues to be considered. The company already has arrangements with other groups in Tawa and Waitangirua and assists them with paint and guidance.
“This can work. Volunteers can help keep the neighbourhood clean and attractive and deter the taggers. Everyone benefits and what’s more it doesn’t cost the ratepayer anything.
“My wife and I are happy to adopt a high voltage meter box in Highbury Road at the end of Disley Street where we live. I am asking if others might be interested in taking on other pieces of property – by agreement with the property owner of course.
John Bishop said that the scheme was a positive extra step to help neighbourhoods get rid of graffiti which upsets people and makes neighbourhoods unattractive and unsightly.