What’s your vision for Rotorua?
What’s your vision for Rotorua?
ROTORUA 05:08:10: Rotorua District Council (RDC) is leading a process to identify a fifty year vision for Rotorua and residents are being invited to gaze into the future and tell the council what they want the district to look and feel like in 2060.
RDC chief executive Peter Guerin said the need for a robust strategic vision statement had been identified during recent discussions he and the mayor had had with local business leaders.
As a result the council had commissioned APR Consultants to assist with the process and to inject independent business advice.
"In the long term we want to identify a single vision for Rotorua that we can all share ownership of and work together to achieve over the coming years," said Mr Guerin. "And we want to hear from local residents about the particular elements they think should be incorporated into a vision statement like this.
"It’s really important that the council, government agencies, business organisations and local businesses come to a common and collective view about the direction we want for Rotorua in the future. "
"A balanced, focused and cooperative approach to tomorrow’s Rotorua is going to produce substantial benefits for our community, and we’ll get there much more quickly, than any of us can achieve working in isolation from each other."
As part of the process to develop a fifty year vision statement Rotorua people are being asked for their ideas and are being encouraged to go online to www.myrotorua.com to add their suggestions and to read more about the process. As an extra incentive all ideas submitted will go into a draw for $100 in prize vouchers.
Mr Guerin said the vision statement should describe the sort of bright future we want for Rotorua in years to come. He said it should be succinct, aspirational, engaging, unambiguous, memorable, and align with local district-wide values and culture.
During August and September stakeholder groups will be involved in workshops to analyse public feedback and to prepare a draft vision statement for further consultation with local organisations, so that a final decision could be made around the end of September.
In the meantime residents have until 20 August to submit their ideas for a fifty year Rotorua vision, online at www.myrotorua.com or by email to submissions@rdc.govt.nz or by post to Fifty Year Vision, Rotorua District Council, Private Bag 3029, Rotorua Mail Centre, Rotorua 3046.