Hurunui-Waiau Zone Committee Launched
Hurunui-Waiau Zone Committee Launched
The Hurunui-Waiau Zone Committee was launched by Minister for the Environment Dr Nick Smith at a function in Hanmer on Friday 16 July and held its first ordinary meeting on Monday 26 July in Amberley.
The 11-member Committee will consider how to allocate around $100,000 of Immediate Steps biodiversity funding available for the 2010/11 year, with final recommendations expected by December 2010.
At the meeting Committee members discussed biodiversity priorities with representatives from the QEII National Trust, the Department of Conservation, Hurunui District Council, as well as Environment Canterbury biodiversity experts.
The Committee is made up of seven community representatives (John Faulkner, Ken Hughey, Andrew Harris, Mike Hodgen, Michele Hawke, Tony Hawker, and David Eder), Norm Kerei-Keepa (Te Runanag o Kaikoura), Makarini Rupene (Te Ngai Tuahuriri Runanga), Councillor Winton Dalley from Hurunui and Environment Canterbury Commissioner David Bedford.