Ongoing Crises For Haitian Children
One Month After Major Quake, Ongoing Crises For Haitian Children
One month after Haiti experienced the worst natural disaster in its history, Save the Children has reached nearly 300,000 children and adults in the earthquake impact zone.
To date Save the Children New Zealand has raised over $670,000 for Haiti and the donations are still coming in.
"New Zealanders support is helping us to provide immediate aid to thousands of families, including providing food, water, household items, medicines and medical care, while we implementing programs to protect children and get them back to school as soon as possible," says Save the Children New Zealand's Chief Executive Liz Gibbs.
"The majority of Haitian children were vulnerable before this disaster and now, a month after the earthquake, their health, well-being and future are at increased risk. Their families are caught up in a daily struggle to meet basic needs and rebuild their lives," said Lee Nelson, Save the Children's country director in Haiti.
"This is a wide-scale disaster that affected all aspects of society, and it will take years to for Haiti's families and cities to recover," said Annie Foster, Save the Children's team leader for the emergency. "Haitians are very resilient, but it is going to take serious and sustained assistance to help them build back and ensure a better future for their children."
Adding urgency to the relief effort, the rainy season is expected to begin in mid-March or early April. Even under normal circumstances, poor drainage and sanitation infrastructure causes problems for the population. This is expected to be significantly exacerbated by displacement and clogging of drainage channels with rubble from the earthquake.
To date, Save the Children's child protection programs have benefitted more than 15,000 children through 18 mobile child-friendly spaces in Port-au-Prince and Jacmel. In conjunction with UNICEF, International Rescue Committee and the Red Cross, the organization is registering children at hospitals and in camps so as to trace their families and reunite them with loved ones.
Save the Children's 14 mobile health teams have seen 10,630 patients at 45 locations in Port-au-Prince, Leogane and Jacmel. In addition, the organization has distributed food to more than 120,000 people, including 72,000 children. The agency also has provided clean water to more than 59,000 people; latrines for 7,800 people; and essential items such as blankets, hygiene kits, and plastic sheeting to some 48,000 people.
Save the Children, which has worked in Haiti since 1978 and currently has more than 300 staff in the country, plans to reach 800,000 people, including 470,000 children, through its emergency response. At the same time, the agency is continuing to support children through education, nutrition and other programs, where possible.
Help us raise $1 million for Haiti by donating now:
* Call Save the Children New Zealand's donation line: 0800 167 168 or 0900 67168 to give an automatic $20 donation
* Visit any one of Save the Children's shops across the country
* Send a cheque, made out to Save the Children, to Freepost PO Box 6584, Marion Square, Wellington. Mark your envelope Haiti and don't forget to add your name and address so we can send you a receipt.