Public urged to delete carjacking email
Public urged to delete carjacking email
Police are urging people who receive an email about tactics used in supposed 'carjackings' to delete it rather than forwarding it to friends and family, as it is an urban myth.
The email has been around for some time and appears to be experiencing another circulation surge at the moment.
It gained momentum earlier this year as it contains the name of a Police employee and the NZ Police logo - lending it credibility.
The email was passed on, albeit with the best of intentions, by the employee, gaining the staff member's details and Police logo in the process.
The email warns recipients to be on the lookout for a piece of paper stuck to the rear window of their vehicle, seen only as they back out of parking spaces.
The scenario suggests people then get out of their vehicle to remove the piece of paper, leaving keys in the ignition, the engine running and their bags/purses and other valuables in the car.
When the vehicle owner gets out of their car, waiting 'offenders' then take the car and its contents.
Police say it is easy for people to be taken in by such stories, evidenced by the fact a Police employee saw fit to forward the email on.
Police say it's simply good practice not exit a vehicle with keys in the ignition, the engine running and valuables inside.