Published: Tue 29 Sep 2009 05:01 PM
Media Release
September 29, 2009
Take a look behind the scenes at Waitakere City’s Civil Defence headquarters on October 10 as part of Disaster Awareness Week.
The building will be open from 10.00am to 2.00pm with activities including live displays by civil defence and emergency services.
“This is a great opportunity for people to see a dedicated civil defence operations centre in action,” says the Waitakere Emergency Management Manager Bill Morley.
The $2.4 million operations centre at 7 Elcoat Avenue in Glendene opened in 2007 and is recognised as a leading example of its type.
"Its innovative design received regional architectural awards and the building boasts some unique eco-friendly features, including solar water heating and energy generation,” he says.
"Civil defence volunteers and emergency services personnel will be on hand to demonstrate equipment capabilities, plus there will be prizes for families and children throughout the week."
Competition details will be advertised and entry forms available on the day, or downloadable from
“Disaster Awareness Week is a national annual event encouraging people to get prepared for an emergency,” says Waitakere City Councillor and chairman of the Auckland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Derek Battersby.
“The Auckland region is the worst prepared of any region for an emergency. It is hoped that the activities and displays planned during awareness week will make Waitakere residents understand the need to be better prepared.”
Disaster Awareness Week will promote the Get Ready Get Thru message underlining the importance of having a household survival kit and emergency plan prepared for the entire family.
In a major disaster people should be prepared to cope on their own for three days or more.

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