Changes to Ak Plan Could Be Better For Ratepayers
THE nationwide CAMPAIGN TO reform the
council rating system
Media release
07 April
Changes To Royal Commission’s Auckland Governance Plan Could Be A Better Deal For Ratepayers
Ratepayers and residents should breathe a little easier from the Government’s proposal to retain and re-inforce Community Boards as ‘grass roots’ organisations.
the government’s ‘high level’ position announced today is a reasonably sturdy skeleton on which to attach the meat of detail which will be needed to put in place a structure with which the citizens of Auckland will be satisfied.
The changes to the Royal Commission’s proposals will mean a much shorter transition period, which should lead to early implementation of cost-saving measures and relief from the savage rates increases of recent years.
Outstanding issues include the funding arrangements for the new Auckland Council – and how a single rating system will ensure that communities across the region will all get a fair slice of the spending cake.
There may also be relief in that the directly-elected Mayor will not have much executive power – and will need the support of the council to get the annual budget passed.
Another area of concern is the ability of the Local Boards to influence the Mayor and Auckland Council – especially in terms of the level of rates and expenditure control.
While there is a lot of sense in the overall picture of governance, it is important that the Select Committee process to examine the Auckland Council Act [or whatever it may be called], is seen to be a genuine process which will carefully consider public submissions.
There is now an opportunity for the existing Community Boards to engage with their communities to examine possible boundary changes –and funding issues.