Metrowater makes headway on Ak’s water losses
For Immediate Release
Metrowater makes major headway on Auckland’s water losses
Auckland City is drawing less water from the region’s supply compared with a year ago, as the City’s water and wastewater company Metrowater makes major headway in stemming losses from its underground water network.
To mark World Water Day this Sunday, Metrowater is working with other water suppliers across the region to advocate the wise use of water to Auckland Residents. It’s a message taken just as seriously in house. Since January 2007, Metrowater has reduced water losses by over a million cubic metres - equivalent to approximately half an Olympic-size swimming pool of water a day.
Metrowater CEO, Jim Bentley, says the gains are “hard-won through a concerted and determined effort to address water losses” through improved leak detection and repair of underground water pipes.
“This is a fantastic result which means we are preserving resources by using less water from the region’s supply, and this is being done without any constraints on our customers.”
Mr Bentley says that over the past two years reducing water losses has been Metrowater’s top priority. “Water efficiency is a key part of our corporate responsibility. By focusing our best people on reducing leakage and putting in place new contracting arrangements with emphasis on finding leaks and fixing them quickly, we have been able to reduce losses more rapidly than expected. So far this financial year Metrowater has identified and repaired more than 700 leaks, equivalent to roughly 450,000 cubic metres per year.”
Key to the success in reducing water losses is Metrowater’s response time for fixing leaks. “Metrowater sets itself tough targets for responding to leaks, whether identified through our leak detection programme or reported by the public. In the majority of cases, leaks are repaired in just two days.”
Mr Bentley says he is confident of making further improvements in water losses and continuing to provide responsive services.
About Metrowater:
Metrowater, New Zealand’s largest water and wastewater network management and retail company, provides water and wastewater services to over 142,000 homes and businesses across Auckland city, and is also responsible for the Owhanake wastewater treatment plant on Waiheke Island. It sources bulk water from Watercare Services Ltd and transports collected wastewater to Watercare’s wastewater network for treatment. Metrowater’s role is to ensure that customers receive a high quality, reliable water supply, and that Auckland city’s wastewater is managed in an environmentally sustainable way.
About World Water Day:
World Water Day is held annually on 22 March and is designed to focus the world’s attention on the importance of freshwater and advocate the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
Further information on World Water Day can be found at the United Nations’ official site