Blueskin Playcentre is 50 years young!
Blueskin Playcentre
by Katie Bourne
Blueskin Playcentre is 50 years young!
This year is the blueskin playcentre's 50th birthday! Three mornings a week, children come to Waitati to enjoy the fantastic facilities of the playcentre. Indoor play includes a library, blocks, dress-up, role play, arts, crafts and puzzles, plus a separate hall with balls, mats and music. Outdoor play includes sand, water, swings, slides, tools and ball games. There is always morning tea with a learning story where everyone comes together to listen. Our children often team up with other local playcentre groups for fun trips such as visiting the local Marae, Seasider train, museum and of course the local beaches.
Play is supervised by a qualified child educator, supported by parents who also have the opportunity for free training in the world of child's play and development. Day to day running is coordinated by a committee of volunteer parents who arrange trips, fundraising, PR, toy purchasing, building upkeep and health and safety. It is a great place for children and carers to make new friends and a wonderful chance to escape from the house.
All preschool children are welcome at Blueskin Playcentre, Orokonui Road, Waitai. Sessions are Monday, Wednesday and Friday during school term time.