Guided Tours Of Barry Curtis Park
Guided Tours Of Barry Curtis Park
The council is running guided tours of Barry Curtis Park in Flat Bush. The next tours are on 21 January and 18 February at 5pm.
The large park is part of Flat Bush’s abundance of open space, which also includes 55km of protected natural gully and stream areas. This network of park-like areas, known as green fingers, link Barry Curtis Park to the residential areas of Flat Bush. Most houses are only five minutes walk away from a green finger.
The vision of the park is to create ‘a regionally significant park that reflects the people and cultures of Manukau’.
The first stage of Barry Curtis Park is due to open in April this year, with other stages opening over the next few years.
Residents can come and see how the park is on track to become one of Manukau’s premier parks.
When: 21 January, 18 February; 5-6pm
Where: Barry Curtis Park, Stancombe Road, Flat Bush, Botany (meet at the Wetland Playground, Stancombe Road)
Entry for the tours is free but booking is essential. To book please contact: Park Ranger Kristen Ross 09 262 5104.