FIFA praise North Shore hospitality/sporting venue
FIFA praise North Shore hospitality/sporting venues
November 26, 2008
High praise from FIFA officials over North Shore's sporting venues and hospitality following the recent Under-17 Women's World Cup has launched the city onto the international stage, says Chair of Events, City Promotion and Tourism sub-committee, Councillor Kevin Schwass.
Councillor Schwass says the tournament, which was telecast to 155 countries, was a huge coup for the city with the opening and closing games at North Harbour Stadium drawing enthusiastic crowds. But he says it was the city's overall performance leading up to, during and after the tournament that had cemented North Shore as a city favoured to host any kind of international sporting event.
"We proved we could manage an event of this scale and what's more, the city pulled together to ensure our visitors, coaches and players were well catered for," said Councillor Schwass.
"It is fantastic to learn that FIFA delegates were left with a great impression of North Shore City."
Councillor Schwass says FIFA Venue Competitions Manager, Maia Jackman, had written to Council congratulating the city and its organisers on the condition of training sites and local hospitality.
Jackman's letter says:
"My congratulations on the condition you got your training site into for this tournament and for the duration of the tournament, whenever myself and FIFA delegates visited, it was always in top shape and left a great impression on FIFA .
"The teams that had Taharoto Park as a training site (NZ, USA and Korea DPR) all raved about the training site, and all stated it was the best they had visited and utilised from the condition of the pitch, the ease of access of the facilities and the hospitality of the club right down to the country flag flying for the team training at the time."
would like to thank you all for the efforts you put in, the
great amount of co-operation you all provided and for
helping make this inaugural U17 Women's World Cup the huge
success that it was," she said.
Councillor Schwass says North Shore City's next sights are on the Rugby World Cup 2011 where it hopes to host not only games, but the South African rugby team, given the large number of South Africans that live on the Shore.