The BigInTent
The BigInTent
c/- 5 Crescent Road
Waiheke Island
No embargo
The Big InTent
- a global
multi-media event -
Oct 25 & 26, 11am -11pm
Reserve, Waiheke Island
It’s time to ferment the change that is needed to create really sustainable futures. The Big InTent is a sustainably managed global multi-media event, held in a custom-built Moroccan tent from Best In Tents, erected on the Blackpool Reserve and powered by the sun through the use of mobile photovoltaic solar panels. The festival is a zero waste event, with stalls using only re-usable, recyclable, or biodegradable products and packaging. Festivals organisers are encouraging people to leave their cars at home and walk, cycle, bus or car pool to the event.
The programme consists of 8 themed film blocks including 1 world premiere and 1 New Zealand premiere, an exclusive preview screening of an international documentary, 4 speakers, presentations and performances, and in what is possibly a world first, 4 live electronic feeds via solar power from activists around the globe. Included in these is an interview in real time with Captain Mike Fincken from the bridge of the Rainbow Warrior during a Climate Change action in the UK, and Andy Bichlbaum from the Yes Men infamous for their “identity correction” pranks against the WTO, McDonald’s, Dow Chemical and the US Government.
Nandor Tanczos is the MC for the event and speakers range from Simon Boxer, Senior Climate Campaigner for Greenpeace, Renzo Benfatto, Humanitarian Programme Manager for Oxfam, and representatives from the Transition Towns’ movement and Guerrilla Gardeners.
Closing the first day’s programme will be a performance by Yaw, a master drummer from Ghana in West Africa. Lunch and dinner time performances include Hawaiian dancers Halau Hula Kahelelani no Aotearoa and clowning by Cirque de Silly. D J Martini will play world music for a celebratory end to the 2-day event on Sunday.
Children will have their own activities involving film and competitions, pony rides, and gardening.
Market stalls offering hot and cold food as well as locally grown produce and products will be available. People are encouraged to bring a hamper and picnic on site.
Cycle Action Waiheke will have a bike maintenance workshop on site and if weary cyclists want to look at an alternative, James Samuel will be showcasing his electric assisted bicycle. For those who would prefer to one day fly to such an event without clocking up carbon miles, local aero-nautical designer Denny Reid will be debuting his “solar-powered wings” at the event.
Entry is by koha.