The truth about librarians
The truth about librarians
The truth about librarians will be revealed to a local audience for the first time tonight with the New Zealand premiere of The Hollywood Librarian documentary.
Its audience will be in a strong position to judge its accuracy with 140 librarians attending from the wider Auckland region.
US writer and director Ann Seidl is also attending the premiere, hosted by AUT University, and says she sees libraries and librarians as the antidote to the isolation of the information age.
"I think librarians and libraries will become the heartbeat of the future. We're the gathering place for people to meet and learn, and solve their problems, and love each other."
Many of the insights from librarians in the film build a fuller picture of what goes on inside the libraries and the people that run them, including a feeling of a lack of understanding and appreciation.
"We're not just a bunch of women sitting around making marks on pages."
"Maybe it's because librarians make it look so easy, it's what we do."
The other common theme from the librarians in the film is just how connected to their profession they feel, and how rewarding it is.
"Librarianship is a calling, I'm convinced of that."
"I was destined for libraries."
"I have wanted to be a librarian my entire life."
"It is one of the most intellectually stimulating disciplines I have ever engaged in."
"I'm in the best job in the world."
Auckland's art-house theatre The Academy is currently reviewing The Hollywood Librarian for selection for this year's film schedule.
Thursday 28 August
5.30pm to 7.30pm
University City Campus
Lecture Theatre WE240, 27 St Paul