Feedback sought on South Coast reserve land plan
29 October 2007
Feedback sought on South Coast reserve land plan
Wellington City Council plans to declare some of its freehold land on the South Coast as reserve and is seeking feedback on the various reserve classifications proposed.
The 14 sites, located between Breaker Bay and Red Rocks, include foreshore reserve at Lyall Bay and Houghton Bay beaches, Breaker Bay play area, and land in and around the former Owhiro Bay quarry.
A mix of steep ridges and hillsides, rocky coastal outcrops and sandy beaches, the sites are all managed under the South Coast Management Plan.
The Council’s Acting Manager of Open Space and Recreation Planning, Mike Oates, says the management plan recognises the importance of the land and provides extra protection under the Reserves Act, however not all of the land covered by the plan has been declared reserve yet.
“This notification is the first step in the process to rectify that,” he says. “A variety of possible reserve classifications are listed in the Reserves Act and Council staff have assessed the uses and importance of each site to determine what we believe is the most appropriate classification in each case.
“Wellingtonians now have the opportunity to consider those proposed designations and let us know what they think.”
Feedback and any objections are required by 5pm, Monday 26 November.
The details of the sites and the reserve classifications proposed for them are included in the South Coast Classification Plan available from libraries, by phoning 499 4444 or online at Feedback can either be made online in the Have Your Say section of the Council’s website or by completing the Freepost feedback form included in the plan.