Trust And Respect Not Abuse And Neglect
Trust and respect not abuse and neglect
The abuse and neglect of older people in our city will be the focal point of a forum organised by Auckland City Council and Age Concern New Zealand this Friday, 15 June.
The forum has been organised to coincide with World Elder Abuse and Awareness Day.
The event will provide an opportunity for those who work with or on behalf of older people to exchange ideas on how to combat the problem around abuse and neglect of older people in our communities, institutions and homes.
A recent study soon to be released by Age Concern New Zealand claims that neglect of older people is often as a result of their own families depriving them (see notes to the editor). This reflects the pattern of elder abuse and neglect that Age Concern often sees in its work.
Councillor Cathy Casey, chairperson of the Community Development and Equity Committee says the issues surrounding the abuse and neglect of older people are complex.
"Neglect and abuse of older people doesn't always happen intentionally. There is the potential for abuse or neglect to occur in the home, institutionally or in the wider community and it is something that often goes unrecognised.
"This forum aims to bring greater acknowledgement of the kinds of mistreatment that can occur and to highlight the need for action to ensure older people feel safer and more secure in their day-to-day lives," says Dr Casey.
Promoting a culture that values and celebrates older people and the important role they play in society is a priority area in the council's newly adopted Positive Ageing in Auckland plan.
"We're working towards developing communities that are stronger and more supportive of our older population," says Dr Casey.
"Hopefully each one of us will experience life as an older person and it is important that we take more ownership of the issues facing older people in our communities as they ultimately affect us all."
Members of the Maori community will also meet this Thursday, at a council organised hui to raise awareness of neglect and abuse of older people and identify ways Maori can work together towards prevention.
For more information on World Elder Abuse and Awareness Day, support or confidential advice members of the public can visit Age Concern's website at phone 09 820 0184.
For more information on the council's Positive Ageing in Auckland plan visit or phone 379 2020.