Tell us how to make our city even better
14 May 2007
Tell us how to make our city even better
There is a just a week left for the public to tell Auckland City Council how they think we can make our city even better.
The council's plans for our city are contained in its draft annual plan 2007/2008. The plan outlines what the council plans to do during the next financial year, as well as the impact on your rates.
The plan and its summary version both contain feedback forms so you can tell us your thoughts on how our city can achieve its potential.
Mayor Dick Hubbard encourages Aucklanders to take part. "I urge all Aucklanders to provide their feedback on the draft plan. Have a look at the summary and tell us what you think."
Last year, public input helped the council develop its long-term vision and prioritise projects for the next 10 years so the council can help make its vision a reality.
"We need to be bold and imaginative in setting tough targets to be a sustainable city of international standards," says the mayor.
Submissions received so far are slightly up on those for the same period for the last annual plan in 2005/2006.
Public consultation on the plan closes at 5pm on Monday, 21 May. The plan will be finalised and rates set in June after public feedback has been taken into account.
To read a summary of the plan and make a submission online go to: *
Copies of the summary and feedback forms are also available from: * Auckland City Council libraries and service centres * (09) 379 2020.
Council officers have been in shopping malls around the city and at community markets during the one-month consultation period. They have also been seeking public responses to the draft plan through public meetings.