Plunket Education Programmes Graduates
Media Release
30 March 2007
For immediate
Plunket Education Programmes Graduates in Marae Ceremony
A Rotorua marae with special associations for the newest Well Child health workers and Plunket nurses was the site of their graduation today.
Many graduates in attendance are employed by Plunket as Plunket Nurses, Community Karitane or Kaiāwhina. Others are employed by Iwi, Pacific and community health providers.
During the course of their studies, graduates from the National Certificate in Tamariki Ora Well Child Services attended wananga or live-in tutorial weeks at Rotorua's Apumoana Marae. This part of their learning proved so memorable that participants requested to return to this marae for their graduation ceremony.
The graduation day was the culmination of intensive study by nurses and healthworkers promoting the best start for New Zealand children.
96 Registered Nurses completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care Speciality Nursing (Well Child Tamariki Ora strand) and 44 healthworkers gained the National Certificate in Tamariki Ora Well Child Services. The Ministry of Health provided a special fund for 37 Iwi Provider students to undertake the National Certificate programme
The two programmes, designed for nurses and health workers new to Well Child services, are developed by Plunket and delivered in partnership with Whitireia Community Polytechnic.
Linda Polaschek, Plunket's national education manager, said the graduates are employed in roles crucial to the delivery of primary health care within the Well Child framework.
"They have been equipped as specialist health professionals, ready to work on the frontline of community health care delivery.
"This is challenging and rewarding work that makes a significant contribution to the well being of children aged under five, and their families," she said.
Last year, Plunket Nurses and health workers made a record 615, 700 total contacts with young families. These 140 graduates are now also knocking on doors in communities the length of New Zealand.
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For more information contact:
Polaschek, Plunket National Education Manager
Phone: 04
474 1528 Mobile: 027 240 8361
About the
Royal New Zealand Plunket Society
The Royal New Zealand Plunket Society (Plunket) this year celebrates its centenary year. Plunket is New Zealand's largest provider of services to support the health and development of children under five and is dedicated to working with parents and communities to ensure that New Zealand children get the best start in life. Plunket's services help families nationwide, through over 550 branches, mobile clinics and a free phone service, PlunketLine. For more information go to
Plunket Nurses/Tamariki Ora Nurses
The Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care Specialty Nursing is a 40-week postgraduate nursing programme accredited through NZQA for registered nurses.
Plunket delivers the programme in partnership with Whitireia Community Polytechnic, twice-yearly, nationwide and provides support and learning for the individual course members. Nurses other than Plunket employees, who successfully complete the programme are referred to as Tamariki Ora Nurses or Well Child Nurses.
The programme has a particular emphasis on community child and family health promotion. Its content includes: - early childhood nutrition; breastfeeding; parenting skills; child growth and development; oral health; child safety and protection, cultural differences; depression; grief and grieving; reducing family violence; human rights and advocacy; women's health and community nursing.
Along with compulsory tutorials and assignments, course participants undertake practical work in the community alongside Clinical Educators who are qualified Plunket nurses.
Plunket Kaiāwhina/Tamariki Ora
Kaiawhina are Maori health workers, working in
their own communities to support families and help them to
access health and support services and information. Plunket
Kaiawhina work in partnership with local Iwi, Maori and
other community agencies, and are part of the Plunket team.
The course is a 40-week NZQA accredited course at level
Community Karitane / Pacific Healthworkers
Karitane and Pacific health workers are educated in a wide
range of parenting and family health issues. They work in
partnership with individual parents and with parent groups,
offering practical support and education at Plunket or
Pacific provider facilities and in family homes. Community
Karitane work as part of the Plunket team. This course is a
40-week NZQA accredited course at level