Get on Board Te Hiku - Your Mobile Library
29 March 2007
Get on Board Te Hiku - Your Mobile Library
Manukau City Council invites residents to the launch of their new mobile library at a celebration in Manukau Square on Tuesday, 10 April.
Manukau Mayor Sir Barry Curtis will cut the ribbon to officially launch the new vehicle, Te Hiku, meaning 'the hook", at 12 noon.
Sir Barry says, "I am delighted to have this opportunity to launch Te Hiku, extending library services to people in Manukau who cannot readily access their local library."
The new bus which complements Manukau's 15 public libraries is a 'low rider' - a vehicle which is easier for people to access, and is fitted with latest computer technology.
Following public consultation, council has reviewed the service and timetable, and is introducing 26 new stops to enable the bus to reach more people.
If you can't make the launch, look out for the new bright and colourful mobile bus when it visits your neighbourhood.