Eden Park Decision Still A Threat To Ratepayers
27 November 2006
Statement from David Thornton - Founder, NoMoreRates.com
Eden Park Decision Still A Threat To Ratepayers.
Government will be reminded of councils 'no ratepayer funding' condition.
In announcing the cabinet decision on the stadium Minister Mallard has still not made it clear how this will be funded - including capital costs and ongoing operational costs, and possible losses.
Until questions of ownership, governance and funding are resolved the threat remains that ratepayers of Auckland City, and the region generally, will be called on to pay for the stadium and associated infrastructure costs.
I welcome the statement that further analysis is being carried out on these critical issues.
The NoMoreRates campaign will keep up the pressure on government and the local councils to ensure that the councils conditions that there will be no ratepayers funding is kept.
We note that the less costly North Harbour Stadium expansion is now the official back up to Eden Park and urge North Shore City council to also apply the 'no ratepayer funding' position.