Wellington’s inaugural climate change festival

Published: Mon 30 Oct 2006 02:59 PM
MEDIA RELEASE: 30 October 2006
Wellington’s inaugural climate change festival
The International Day of Action on Climate Change will kick off in style at the inaugural Wellington Climate Change Festival this Saturday (November 4)
Festival spokesperson Benjamin Gleisner says the event aims to be informal and informative and runs from 11.30am till late at the Paramount Theatre.
“It offers all Wellingtonians an opportunity to get actively involved in the debate surrounding climate change in New Zealand and to learn about carbon neutral daily living. People are free to come and go, listen, absorb and participate in the activities as much as they want.”
The International Day of Action on Climate Change aims to raise awareness of the issue, and calls on world leaders to take urgent and meaningful action. It is timed to coincide with the start of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference in Nairobi on November 6.
The Climate Change Festival, sponsored by Victoria University of Wellington, will include documentary films, information stalls, a climate change science and policy workshop, presentations from key stakeholders and responses from political parties. There will be also be presentations and discussions around what you can do, including an audio link with British researcher, Dave Reay, whose recent book Climate Change Begins at Home inspires people to take individual action on climate change.
Documentary Film 11.30am – 12.30pm: Climate Change – the issues
Session 1: 1-2.45pm
Victoria University Institute of Policy Studies and School of Geography, Environment & Earth Sciences present: Climate Change Science and Policy School – a basic introduction to the issues
Documentary Film 3– 4pm: Climate Chaos – Are we changing planet earth? By David Attenborough
Session 2: 4-6pm
Meridian Energy and WWF-New Zealand are proud to support a session where key sectors outline action they want from Government, followed by a response from political parties.
Session 3: 7- 10.30pm
The Royal Society of New Zealand and the British Council are proud to present is series of live video link presentations from New Zealand and Britain: How we can personally reduce emissions – stories from New Zealand and the UK.
9-9.30pm break for Wellington fireworks display.
Feature Movie: Who killed the Electric Car? (Starting 9.30pm)
Jazz band, A Discontent Band, and MC Imon Star, will play in the foyer from 9pm
Tickets: Entry to the Sessions One and Two is by koha; the evening session is $5 unwaged, $7 waged and $15 for families. Phone 384 4080 to book tickets or 463 5233 (extn: 8932) or visit
All money collected on the day will go towards a project, organised by the Sustainability Trust, to fit insulation into low income housing in Wellington.

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