Sports fields planned for Barrack Road land
25 September 2006
Sports fields planned for Barrack Road land
Auckland City wants to ensure access to more open space for residents in the Mt Wellington area, by purchasing land at 30-44 Barrack Road and wants to hear public feedback on the proposal.
A public notice will be published on 24 September outlining the details of the proposed acquisition and development of the site.
The 2.9ha site has the potential to be developed to include two new sports fields, a training field, a children's playground, changing rooms, lighting and landscaping.
"A shortfall of active recreation space in the Mt Wellington area triggered a detailed investigation to identify the best possible site for Auckland City to purchase," says community planning team leader, Catherine Wilson.
The land at 30-44 Barrack Road was considered as most suitable on a number of levels; it is large, level, undeveloped, has good road frontage and is in an area where more sports fields are needed.
"Making sure that enough recreation space is set aside to meet the needs of a growing city is important, especially considering that land suitable for sports fields is becoming increasingly rare as the city develops," says Ms Wilson.
"A new park on Barrack Road which includes sports fields will be a real asset to this part of the city," she said.
Members of the public have an opportunity to have their say on this proposed land purchase by making a submission to Auckland City.
Information about the notice of requirement for 30-44 Barrack Road and how to make a submission is available at or during business hours at:
* level 11, Civic Administration
Building, 1 Greys Avenue, central city
* the reference section, Central City Library, 44-46 Lorne Street, central city
* Panmure community library, 7-13 Pilkington Road, Panmure.
Submissions can be made in writing to Auckland City, Private Bag 92516 Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141 or online at and are due by Tuesday 24 October 2006.