One Auckland Plan Launched
8 September
One Auckland Plan Launched
The four Mayors of Auckland today launched a proposal to overhaul the region into one Auckland.
Mayor of Auckland City Dick Hubbard said the new governance structure would provide more grunt. It would streamline governance, speed up progress in the region, and future-proof Auckland.
“We’ve heard Aucklanders’ message loud and clear. It’s time for action and urgency. We’ll speed up transportation, get the waterfront we aspire to and Aucklanders’ rates will work harder and go further,” he said.
“It will be one plan, one voice, a single vision. At the moment, we’re a collection of cities struggling to co-ordinate our activities. The lack of cohesive strategy is inhibiting progress.”
“Our proposal for a Greater Auckland Council is a fresh new start and will accelerate our rise to true international status. “
The key points of the proposition are:
a) A Greater Auckland Council (GAC)
b) A directly elected head of the GAC.
c) Representation on the GAC by the Mayors of the Auckland Region cities or councils in conjunction with directly elected and/or appointed representatives.
d) A redefining of the responsibility of the current cities and councils into the “delivery arms” of the GAC, albeit allowing these entities to have distinctive local identities that reflect individual social, environmental, economic and cultural characteristics.
e) Reconsideration of the number of cities or councils, their boundaries and urban limits, while appreciating that this may need to come after the transitional arrangements have been put in place.
f) The use of well structured CCO’s (Council Controlled Organisations) reporting directly to the GAC to run regional structures such as Ports of Auckland, Watercare, ARTA, Emergency management, Parks etc, maximising business expertise and minimising political interference.
g) A common rating system and shared services between councils.
Mayor Dick Hubbard said the Mayors had briefed the Prime Minister and relevant Cabinet Ministers yesterday.
“They gave us a warm reception and today we will be discussing the strategy at the Mayoral Forum. It is the time for decisive leadership and the four Mayors are united in their determination to demonstrate that.”
Mayor of Manukau City Sir Barry Curtis said the present structure wasn’t working: “There is an urgent need for coherence and a governance structure if we are to be a world-class city. A new metro region needs to incorporate contemporary goals and leadership to include social, economic, environmental and cultural outcomes.”
Mayor of Waitakere City Bob Harvey said: “I’m interested in better governance, and to ensure the ongoing welfare of the West and Waitakere while still being part of a great region.”
Mayor of North Shore City George Wood said: “The region needs a well co-ordinated overarching plan to take us forward. The community right across Auckland seeks the strong leadership that this proposal will enhance for the future.”