Tribute to Dame Te Arikinui Te Atairangikahu

Published: Wed 16 Aug 2006 02:20 PM
Wed 15 August 2006
For Immediate Release
Tribute to Dame Te Arikinui Te Atairangikahu
Otara’s communities have lost a beloved leader and friend in the passing of Dame Te Arikinui Te Atairangikahu who will be remembered for her warmth, dignity and goodwill for our people, says Otara’s Manukau City Councillor Su’a William Sio.
“The Otara community mourn her passing. Her Majesty often visited Otara to celebrate the successes of our little community and always supported the Maori Wardens movement which now includes wardens from all the Pacific communities.”
“On behalf of Otara, I express our deepest condolences to Her Majesty’s family, to Tainui and to all of Maoridom at this time.”
The Maori Queen’s passing is also keenly felt by Pacific people here who regarded her as a cherished friend and supporter of Pacific Peoples.
“What many may not realize,” says Councillor Sio, “is that Her Highness Te Arikinui enjoyed a special and close association with Pacific communities. She was often present at many key events and milestones in New Zealand’s Pacific communities here and abroad.”
Farewell Te Arikinui Te Atairangikahu
The moon has fallen
The stars have closed their eyes
The heavens are in turmoil
And the winds have forced their will on this land
The dark clouds have gathered on Ngaruawahia
And the finger of lightning points to Turangawaewae
The glittering sun of Tainui has set for the last time
The communities of Otara who you visited so often
Pray for the Spirit of Peace & Comfort be with your people & whanau
Farewell o Queen
Safe journey

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