Event calendar given the go-ahead
12 July 2006
Event calendar given the go-ahead
Auckland City's Arts, Culture and Recreation committee have endorsed a $1.2 million calendar of sponsored events for 2006/2007 that includes ongoing support for some signature events including Auckland Marathon, Auckland Festival (AK07), Air New Zealand Fashion Week and Auckland Lantern Festival.
Funding has also been given to events such as Auckland Cup Week and Auckland Harbour Festival that were supported for the first time last year with a view to building on their success and developing them into iconic Auckland events.
Celebrate Pasifika also received continued funding which will contribute to the expansion of this regional programme of events that celebrates pacific culture.
"This is fantastic news for Auckland. Our aim is to create a vibrant international city with plenty happening for those that live, work or visit our city," says Councillor Penny Sefuiva, chairperson of the Arts, Culture and Recreation Committee.
"Auckland City is working hard to be more event-friendly. To do this we are in the process of reviewing the CBD and isthmus district plans, plus we are developing a one-stop-shop which will make the consent process easier."
The calendar has been developed in line with Auckland City's events strategy, launched at the end of 2005, aiming to develop events that support Auckland's strengths and identity and enhances a vibrant atmosphere in the city.
"In developing the 2006/2007 calendar our aim was to build on the work done since the launch of the events strategy, and cluster the events into the four themes identified within that strategy: maritime, outdoor active/sport, creative sector and culture/ethnic diversity," says Cameron Parr, group manager of recreation and community services.
"The strategy guides us towards having a more focussed approach to events, gives staff some direction as to what Auckland City needs to do to become a more events-friendly and eventful city, and gives us a clear idea on how to best target sponsorship funding.
"The strategy not only helps us retain, grow and attract events that support Auckland's unique identity, but it also helps us create a strong sense of place while providing social and economic benefits to the city," says Mr Parr.
Councillor Sefuiva continues, "We want Aucklanders to live in a lively and interesting city and enjoy what's happening in their streets, parks and open spaces and on the water. We hope that the events given the go-ahead today will encourage people to participate and identify with their city in a positive way."