Rates increase of less than $2 a week for most
23 June 2006
Rates increase of less than $2 a week for most
More than 75 per cent of properties throughout the Kapiti Coast District will receive a rate increase of less than $2 per week for the next financial year, Mayor Alan Milne said today.
The Kapiti Coast District Council adopted its final Long Term Council Community Plan for the 20 year period 2006-2026 on June 22, 2006 with an average net rates increase districtwide, after taking into account growth in the rating base, of 5.78% for the 2006/07 year.
The average rates increase for individual properties for the 2006/07 year varies as a result of the impact of the revaluation of the District in the 2005 year.
“A small number of properties will also enjoy rates decreases as a result of the revaluation of properties where the increase in their land value was significantly less than the average for their particular area or the District,” Mr Milne said.
The 2006/07 year programme for the Council includes $22 million of capital works. This covers major roading improvements including anticipated further work on the Western Link Road. Significant progress towards the new Aquatic Centre is also budgeted for but ultimately construction of the Centre is dependent on 25% of the capital funds being raised publicly from sources other than Council.
Also included in the programme is significant work on the development of Town Centres and strategic flood mitigation work at Paekakariki.
Mayor Milne pointed out that the change in the criteria and increase in the amount of rates rebate available to those on low and fixed incomes could significantly assist many Kapiti Coast ratepayers.
“The maximum rebate available has increased from $200 to $500 and the criteria for eligibility have been expanded too,” he said. “It will be very worthwhile for many of our pensioner ratepayers to check out where they stand and to apply.”
A single pensioner receiving their single pension plus up to $3,000 in supplementary income is entitled to a rates rebate of $500 where their total rates including the Regional Council rates is more than $1,000.
Married pensioners who receive the married pension and no other supplementary income, and are paying total rates of $1900, including the Wellington Regional Council rates, are also entitled to a $500 rates rebate.
“There is a sliding scale so even people with higher incomes may receive some rebate.
“Because of the importance of the issue to many of our people our Finance team have developed a chart showing the amount of rates rebate available for each level of income and rates. This will shortly be on Council’s website so everyone can see how much rates rebate is available for different levels of rates and income.
“This rate rebate is not only available to the elderly but also to families on low incomes.
“The Council intends working closely with Grey Power and all other groups who represent persons on fixed incomes to ensure the people who are eligible are made aware and are encouraged and shown how to claim this rates rebate,” Mr Milne said.
average rate increases for the individual areas of the
district are shown in the chart below.
Ward 2005/06 206/07 Increase Net Average Rating
Less Rates Relating to Increase in Rating
Set Rating Impact
Rural 904
40 1,003
39 99
-1 -210
0 79
-1 8.71
Raumati Urban
Rural 15,912
147 17,204
157 1,292
10 -402
-9 890
1 5.60
Rural 7,547
530 8,025
571 478
41 -82
-17 396
24 5.25
Rural 3,436
1,079 3,755
1,175 319
96 -63
-33 257
64 7.47
Total 29,595 31,929 2,334 -625 1,711 5.78