Celebrate NZ's first Park & Ride bus station

Published: Thu 17 Nov 2005 04:11 PM
Open Day celebrates NZ's first Park & Ride bus stations
November 16, 2005
Skydivers, top local bands, and free kids' rides are all part of the mix for the Park & Ride Open Day at the new Albany bus station this Saturday (November 19).
North Shore City Deputy Mayor Dianne Hale says the open day is a fun way to herald the arrival of the city's new Park & Ride facilities, as well as an opportunity to celebrate local bands' recent successes in the national arena.
Young North Shore rockers The Checks - Breakthrough Artist of the Year winners at the recent New Zealand Music Awards - will shake the foundations from midday, Smokefree Rockquest runners-up Midnight Youth (Rangitoto College) play at 1pm, while the older generation get some respite with Latin American band Kantuta at 2.30pm, and the North Shore Concert Band at 10.15am.
Skydivers will descend at 11.35am, immediately after the Minister of Transport, the Hon David Parker, officially declares the Albany and Constellation Park & Ride stations open. The official opening begins at 10.45am.
The new stations are a key part of the Northern Busway project, a partnership involving Transit New Zealand, the Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA), North Shore City and Auckland City. Dedicated busway lanes running alongside the Northern Motorway and three additional stations will open in early 2008.
"The new stations have been operating successfully with numbers growing daily over the 10 days, which has allowed us to iron out any kinks prior to Saturday's official opening," says Dianne Hale.
"We're delighted with the increasing number of commuters who are already opting to use the new Northern Express bus service and Park & Ride from Albany and Constellation to beat peak hour traffic congestion to and from the Shore. .
"I encourage people from across the Auckland region to come down Albany Park & Ride for Saturday's open day, enjoy some North Shore hospitality and see what the fuss is all about."
MAXX ambassadors will be on hand to answer public transport queries, and all Northern Express buses are free on the day. The Northern Express runs every 15 minutes between Albany and Constellation stations, and on to Britomart.
Drivers can access Albany Park & Ride from Oteha Valley Rd and McClymonts Rd, and plenty of free parking is available in the station's car park area and in surrounding streets.
The Park & Ride Open Day is supported by Newstalk ZB.
Timetable for the day is as follows:
10:15am North Shore Concert Band 10: 45am Official Opening Ceremony begins 11:30am Minister of Transport opens stations 11:35am Skydivers 12:00 The Checks 1.05pm Midnight Youth 2.25pm Kantuta

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