Directors Appointed for Manukau Water CCO

Published: Mon 14 Nov 2005 11:50 AM
11 November 2005
Directors Appointed for Manukau Water CCO
At a recent Manukau City Council meeting 6 directors were appointed to the board of Manukau Water, the latest Council-Controlled Organisation (CCO) to be set up to bring greater benefit to Manukau residents and ratepayers.
The 6 directors are:
James Hill
Peter Drummond
Kevin Johnson
Rabin Rabindran
Alan Bickers
Ron Pearson
Manukau Mayor Sir Barry Curtis is delighted with the appointments. “The directors chosen possess, in addition to sound governance and strategic business skills, an impressive range of skills and expertise in the utility sector, engineering, law and finance that will serve the company well. Many of the directors have had positive involvement in working with Tangata Whenua
“It is essential to the future growth of the city that Manukau Water retains its cost and service leadership position,” said Sir Barry. “Under the chairmanship of James Hill I am confident our vision for the Manukau Water CCO will be achieved whilst generating greater benefits and savings”
Of note in this selection process was the contribution of a representative of the Mana Whenua Forum who sat alongside Councillors on the appointment panel.
Mana Whenua representative Mahia Wilson said “Being invited to play such a role demonstrated to the Forum the Council’s commitment to its relationship with Mana Whenua. Having been part of such a robust and thorough process I can say with confidence the high calibre of candidates interviewed enabled the panel to select a board of the highest quality.”
The Council will continue to control pricing policy decisions and own 100% of the business.
Unlike the CCO’s recently set up by the Council, Manukau Water Limited already exists as an incorporated company. The new Manukau Water Ltd. will be set up using the shelf company registered, but not used, in the 1990’s in the era of Local Authority Trading Enterprises which had very different outcomes and goals. The shelf company has been held on behalf of the city by the City Manager Colin Dale to prevent use of the name by other parties.
The appointed board will be focused on ensuring the CCO is ready for implementation by 1 July 2006.

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