Maori Representation Manukau City
Media Release
31 October 2005
Maori Representation Manukau City
Manukau City Council resolved last week to have a Te Tiriti o Waitangi Standing Committee from February 2006.
The Te Tiriti Standing Committee will have recommendatory powers only and will be focused on ensuring that the interests of both parties to the Treaty of Waitangi are upheld and addressed in Council decision-making.
A preliminary basis for developing the role of the Standing Committee is proposed as follows:
(i) To provide strategic advice to Council on matters affecting the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Maori in Manukau City.
(ii) To provide leadership and advice on Treaty relationships development with Maori in Manukau.
(iii) To evaluate existing policies and strategies and their implementation for their effectiveness for Maori in Manukau.
(iv) To lead in education of the Maori community on civic processes.
Such a committee would also provide a means of demonstrating the principle of partnership implicit in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, in this case between elected members and mandated representatives from Maori communities throughout Manukau.
It is proposed that the current Treaty of Waitangi Working Party form the basis of a potential Te Tiriti o Waitangi Standing Committee with membership extended to include three Taura Here members.
The current Treaty of Waitangi Working Party is made up of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, the Chairperson of the Strategic Directions Committee and a Councillor from each ward not represented already. It also includes representatives of five Mana Whenua groups. Taura Here are the urban Maori within a defined area in this case Manukau.
The current Treaty of Waitangi Working Party have to report back to the Council by 16 December with further development of the Committee’s role and will identify the process for determining membership of the Standing Committee for approval by Council.