Fisher Park reserve status revoked
12 October 2005
Fisher Park reserve status revoked
The Department of Conservation has formally revoked the reserve status of Mt Wellington's Fisher Park and the two adjacent local purpose reserves by publishing its notice in the Gazette*.
Auckland City will sell the land at above market value and use the money to buy an alternative site in the area.
It plans to provide the community with a bigger, more versatile recreation reserve which will cater for a greater range of activities.
The sale will serve community needs for better open space, attract and retain enterprise, and help future-proof the area for transportation needs.
Coca-Cola has first option to buy the land in order to pursue redevelopments to their plant, however should they decide not to exercise this, council will retain the option to sell the land to other parties.
Auckland City had conditionally approved Coke's plan change at last month's council meeting and will now be contacting submitters to confirm that the private plan change approval will take effect.
Auckland City has the support of the Sir Woolf Fisher Trust to sell Fisher Park and find a better replacement.
*Note to
Gazette notice attached.
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