Have your say on the future of Aucklands transport
15 June 2005
Have your say on the future of Auckland’s transport
Aucklanders are invited to have their say on the way $10.7billion is spent on transport across the region over the next ten years.
The Auckland Regional Land Transport Committee (RLTC) today launched its draft strategy for the future of Auckland’s transport for public consultation.
“This latest review of the region’s land transport strategy is the result of more than a year’s work and was triggered by a Government requirement that the Auckland region’s land use planning documents and its transport strategy be changed to deliver the ‘compact city’ vision of the region’s growth strategy,” says RLTC Chair Cr Joel Cayford.
Cr Cayford says that part of this vision includes the development of high capacity passenger transport corridors interconnecting town centres and enabling more intensification in place of sprawl. He says the transport strategy also contains provisions that aim to reshape street connections in town centres giving priority to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport, and improving street amenity.
“Liveable cities need effective public transport systems, but they also need streets designed for people not just for cars,” he says.
The Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy 2006-2016 takes a reasonable estimate of how much funding will be available for transport in the Auckland region over the next 10 years, and advises how that money should be invested. The draft strategy recommends a mix of continued investment toward completing the strategic raod network; aggressive improvement in public transport – including ferry, bus and rail; and widespread introduction of Travel Demand Management measures.
“If we do what we’ve always done, we’ll get what we’ve always got: more congested roads and motorways, poor public transport, and worsening public and environmental health,” says Cr Cayford.
Transport interest groups, community groups, organisations and members of the public are invited to have their say on the Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy.
Moving Forward, a summary of the draft strategy contains important information from the strategy including a brief outline of the six funding options that the strategy’s objectives were evaluated against.
To find out more about the development of the draft strategy, the Regional Land Transport Committee, or to request copies of Moving Forward or the Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy you can: Visit www.arc.govt.nz Email movingforward@arc.govt.nz Request hard copies by calling 09 366 2000 Visit your local library
Public consultation will close on 15 August 2005 and submission hearings will take place in early September. The Regional Land Transport Strategy Hearings Sub-Committee will consider the points raised in each submission and make recommendations on how the submission should be addressed. Submitters have the opportunity to speak at these hearings.