Transit: take more care at Plimmerton roundabout
Transit New Zealand
Wellington Regional Office
Transit asks motorists to take more care at Plimmerton roundabout
Transit New Zealand is encouraging motorists to take more care and obey the give- way rules at the Plimmerton roundabout on State Highway 1. Transit New Zealand's regional project manager Catherine Worsley said there was concern that southbound traffic was not giving way to vehicles on the right.
"A number of parents taking children to school and other residents have told me that southbound traffic is not giving way to them as they turn right into the new James Street extension. Standard give-way rules apply at the roundabout," Ms Worsley said.
"There is a relatively low number of vehicles turning right and it could be that drivers travelling straight through are not expecting to give-way. But for the safety of all road users, it's important everyone keep their eyes open for approaching vehicles," she said.
Ms Worsley said the "Give Way" is marked with a standard white painted triangle and lines on the road and not the words.
"We are
appealing to all drivers to take care at the roundabout,
especially in the morning peak period and to give-way to the
right as required by law.
Ms Worsley said also that
changes to the Paremata roundabout will provide a dedicated
right-turn lane for Whitby residents.
"Motorists at all roundabouts should obey the standard give-way rules and indicate when merging into traffic," she said.
Transit New Zealand encourages motorists to familarise themselves with the new road rules announced by the Land Transport Safety Authority in February this year. Detailed information can be found at