RAM asks Ombudsman for MOT's secret
RAM media release 7.4.05
RAM asks Ombudsman for MOT's secret 'Separate Test'
"RAM is highly critical of cabinet
okaying the Orewa state highway extension
as a toll
road," said Elaine West, a representative of RAM - Residents
Action Movement.
"It's our view that government and
councils-in-league have contrived a
situation where
affected communities are politically blackmailed into
accepting tolls as the only way to get a strategic road
built in the
"RAM supporters living
and working within the affected community are
at the prospect of paying hundreds of dollars over a year in
created road taxes."
"It appears from
information available in the public arena that the
community did not give Transit their majority vote to
build the Orewa
extension as a toll road in
contradiction to the recent Cabinet decision
to endorse
such tolls."
"Within RAM's correspondence to the Ministry
of Transport, it has been
discovered that the Ministry
has a 'separate test' to determine the affected
community's decision on tolls. However, the Ministry
has refused to release
this 'separate test' into the
public arena."
"Therefore, RAM has approached the
Ombudsmen to access the 'separate test'
and to request
that the Ministry gives reasons for such a test."
West says, "RAM stands in support of lobby groups opposing
tolls in
their community. We will continue to support
the Highway Robbery group
within the Orewa-Puhoi area,
as well as the Tolls Action Group in Tauranga -
to help
put an end to this policy of taxed roads."