Linking people, city and sea
Joint media release: Auckland Regional Council and Auckland City Council
14 February 2005
Linking people, city and sea – What do Aucklanders want for the future of their waterfront?
The Auckland Regional Council (ARC) and Auckland City Council, working with Ports of Auckland Limited, are asking Aucklanders what they think of a draft vision for Auckland’s waterfront.
The draft vision for the area from the Harbour Bridge in the west to Mechanics Bay in the east, released today, has been created following earlier feedback from the community and businesses in the area. Over the next few weeks the public is being asked to let both councils know what they think of the draft.
“Once public feedback has been taken into consideration, the vision will provide a long-term guide for how this area is managed, developed and protected in the future,” said Councillor Paul Walbran, the ARC’s Chair, Regional Strategy and Planning.
“It is essential that we develop a framework for protection and guardianship of this land together so that we can ensure that decision making and development is done in a consistent way that is in line with what the public want,” Councillor Walbran said.
“The wider CBD waterfront area is one of the city’s greatest assets,” said Auckland city’s Deputy Mayor, Dr Bruce Hucker.
“The area defines the city and it has a huge economic, social and environmental significance.”
“I’m sure all Aucklanders will be as excited as we are by the potential of the waterfront. This is the opportunity for people to get in early and tell us what they think of our initial plans before any details are finalised.”
The consultation launched today finishes on 18 March and it is expected that a final vision and strategy will be adopted by both councils by June 2005.
The public are invited to give their feedback on the draft vision outlined in a document that will be sent to every household in Auckland city with City Scene on Sunday 27 February. Copies are also available online at or, at all Auckland City Libraries and Service Centres, and from the ARC phone (09) 366 2000.
The two councils will also be holding two public open days at Market Square, Viaduct Harbour (in front of O’Hagan’s pub) on 4 and 5 March from 10am to 5pm where people can view the draft vision, ask questions and provide feedback.