ARC to take on economic role
ARC to take on economic role
5 January 2005
The Auckland Regional Council has signalled it will take on a lead role in regional economic development from mid 2005.
The ARC has formally accepted the responsibility of leading the Auckland Regional Economic Development Strategy from 1 July. The final details of how this role will be developed and delivered will be confirmed early this year.
ARC chairman, Michael Lee says that the Council has not confirmed the form of the future role the ARC will play, but recognises that it is important to send a clear message to the region that the ARC is committed to economic development.
“Dollars simply don’t recognise local council boundaries. The Auckland region contributes a third of the national economy, and while there is a great deal of good work going on locally and through national agencies such as NZ Trade and Enterprise, we believe that a regional perspective can add value to local and national initiatives.
“This is an important decision for us, and we see our future role as an opportunity to ensure that the economic strategy sits alongside other regional strategies aimed at ensuring that the Auckland region is a great place to live – both now and in the future,” Cr Lee says.
“Having accepted the leadership role, the Council is now keen to get to grips with the issues, develop a clear understanding of the likely implications of the various options and ensure that the final decision regarding the form of this new role is made with a thorough understanding of all the issues.”
The ARC’s role will build on the progress made by the Auckland Regional Economic Development Strategy office, which as been up and running since 2002, and will also identify and build additional opportunities for economic development throughout the region.