Getting Ready For The Big Game In July 05
Getting Ready For The Big Game In July 05
Eden Albert Community Board is pleased to facilitate improvements in traffic flows and a reduction in inconvenience for almost 6,000 UK visitors at next July's Lions and Irish Tour 2005. At a meeting Monday night, the Board gave unanimous support to a proposal for hospitality to be carried out at Gribblehurst Park, which was identified as the most suitable in terms of transport planning. Following from community consultation held by the Lions Hospitality 05, an application will be made for resource consent to use Gribblehurst Park. Board chair Lindsey Rea was pleased at the outcome. "My colleagues and I support well planned hospitality events that will highlight our city, and that will bring in economic support to the wider city. We welcome LH05's commitment to working with the Board and the local community to ensure a win-win situation for all concerned."
The Board at the same meeting started the first step towards improving recognition of Mt Eden Maungawhau as an iconic symbol of Auckland. "For many years Mt Eden Maungawhau has lacked proper attention under previous Councils. With the recent election of a new and forward looking council, we can start to properly care for and protect the most visible part of the ward, with assistance from residents and community groups such as Friends of Maungawhau" says board member Wendy Davies.
Annual inorganic collections, more regular mowing of grass berms, and increased expenditure on footpath repair are also on the agenda for implementation throughout the ward as well, following a vote to support an increase in Council service levels. "I know that people care about their properties and their local streets" says board member Christopher Dempsey. "This move will restore basic services that were cut under previous Council."
With the New Year
almost upon us, the Board wishes all residents a very safe
and happy holiday season and the best for the New Year, and
please, take extra care on the roads.