Approach To Building Control Across Region
28 October 2004
Consistent Approach To Building Control Across Region
From 1 November 2004, territorial local authorities in the Wellington region and the Wairarapa have agreed to adopt a common approach to implementing changes to the Building Act made in the wake of 'leaky buildings.'
The aim of the changes to is to give everyone greater certainty that dwellings are being built to an appropriate standard and are weathertight.
>From 1 November, there will now be a consistent and practical approach to the process for obtaining consents and how inspections are carried out.
Changes to the Building Act now require a higher level of risk assessment and a greater emphasis on controls to ensure appropriate standards are met in the construction of residential properties.
There has been a clear message from the courts that building inspectors must identify risky aspects of buildings and exercise care during the processing of consents. In short, more detail will now be needed.
The Hutt City and Upper Hutt city councils, and Masterton, Carterton, and South Wairarapa district councils have reviewed operational policies and procedures and will now adopt a consistent approach to the processing of consent applications and inspections.
The public can now have greater confidence that their dwellings are being built to an acceptable standard and builders will have certainty that standards and inspections are being carried out in a consistent manner across the region.
Of specific note regarding the changes is the revision of Building Code E2/AS1, which involves additional claddings and specific guidance for clearances and flashings. Details will also need to be provided for more complex roof designs, including flashings and down pipes.
More detail about the changes is available from your Council.