CURLING: South Is. Team Scoops Auck Open Bonspiel

Published: Tue 26 Oct 2004 09:53 AM
CURLING: South Island Team Scoops Auckland Open Bonspiel
John Campbell’s Alexandra based team took out the prestigious DePape-Frauenlob Swamp Kauri Stone Trophy as they went undefeated at this weekend’s 2nd annual Auckland Curling Club Open Bonspiel at Paradice Ice Arena in Avondale. The team of John Sanders (lead), Tim Thomas (second), Natalie Campbell (3rd) and John Campbell (skip) travelled to Auckland the second year running to compete in the event. In the final they defeated defending champions Metro Jets Red who had won the inaugural event a year ago.
John Campbell, standing, and Norm Cameron (throwing red) calling for a take-out shot.
Fielding nine teams, on the ‘best ice of the season’, the event started Sunday evening and ended at noon today. Conditions have not been ideal for Auckland curling this year as the rink has had difficulty creating good curling ice. However, according to Paul Minett, Vice President of Auckland Curling Club, “the people at Paradice came through for us with almost perfect conditions this weekend”.
“The success of this weekend’s event confirms that this bonspiel will be a regular feature for years to come. The target for next year is to entice the Australians to come and compete” Minett went on to say.
On their way to the final Alexandra defeated Auckland Curling Club President Des Cartier’s Metro Jets Stream team by one, and a three point win over Minett’s Western Pohutukawas. The score in the final was 9 -1.
Auckland Curling Club curls every Sunday evening from May to October at Paradice Ice Arena in Avondale.
The DePape-Frauenlob Swamp Kauri Trophy, a curling rock fashioned from a piece of swamp kauri, is named for Lorne DePape and Hans Frauenlob, founding members of Auckland Curling Club which has been growing strongly since be formed in 1996.
DePape and Frauenlob are members of the New Zealand Mens’ team that is competing in the Pacific Championships in Korea in November. The team placed 6th in the World Championships in Sweden last April.

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