Two Third Of Aucklanders Support Whenuapai Airport
Two Third Of Aucklanders Believe Whenuapai Should Take Off
The latest professional research carried out amongst Aucklanders shows two-thirds of those questioned think a commercial airport at Whenuapai is good news for Auckland.
And most of those in favour, 57% of the total sample, think development of the commercial airport should happen as soon as possible.
This latest market research, conducted by TNS, underlines the support for Whenuapai Airport that has been evident within the Auckland region since December 2003 when the first tranche of professional market research was undertaken.
Summary of professional research conducted regarding a commercial airport at Whenuapai
The majority of Aucklanders clearly see benefits from developing a commercial airport at Whenuapai.
Their view is shared by many businesses and organisations such as ANZ; Auckland Regional Council; Auckland City Council; Civil Defence; Harbour Force; Kaipara District Council; Massey University; North Harbour Club; North Harbour Rugby Union; North Harbour Stadium Trust; North Shore City Council; Rodney District Council; Smales Farm Technology Office Park; Takapuna Beach Business Association; Various airlines; Waitakere City Council and many businesses in the North and West of the region.
Note: Information on the project, including the summaries of the market research covering Waitakere, Rodney and North Shore is available on the web sites of Infratil, Waitakere City and Enterprise Waitakere