After the flood - Public Health information
18 October 2004
After the flood - Public Health information and advice
After a flood there are some basic public health measures that can be taken to minimise the risk to health.
The main public health concern is that floods waters may be contaminated. However outbreaks of communicable disease are uncommon after floods. These basic public health measures will help to protect you and your family from illness.
Personal Hygiene: The most important health measure is basic hygiene. Always wash your hands with soap and water: After handling articles contaminated with flood water or sewerage Before eating or preparing food, and before smoking After participating in flood clean up activities.
You do not need to use any special soaps or cleaners when washing yourself or your clothes.
Do not allow children to play in flood-affected areas, until clean-up is complete. If children have been in flood-affected areas, make sure that they wash their hands well afterwards.
After working in a flood-affected area, remove boots before going inside, shower and wash affected clothes. Wash hands well before cooking.
Cuts and wounds: If you have any cuts or wounds which were exposed to flood-affected waters, keep them as clean as possible by washing well with soap to prevent infection. Check with your GP, as you may need a tetanus booster, especially if the wound is deep or is a puncture wound. If a wound develops redness, swelling or oozing seek immediate medical attention.
Immunisations: Immunisations, other than tetanus booster for wounds, are not required.
Food safety: Do not eat any food that may have come into contact with flood water. Discard readily perishable foods which have been in the refrigerator without power Refrozen perishable foods are not safe to eat.
If in doubt, seek specific advice from an Environmental Health Officer at your local Council or the Public Health Unit phone 06 834 1815.