Low flying plane to map North Shore City
Low flying plane to map North Shore City
North Shore residents may hear and see a low flying aircraft over the city in the next few days - but they should not be alarmed.
The light aircraft is undertaking an aerial survey for North Shore City, using a system known as a 'Lidar'. This uses harmless laser technology to obtain an accurate digital terrain picture of the city. It can determine land heights with great accuracy, to around 15cm, and this will be used to generate contours at intervals of only 0.25 of a metre.
City engineers say that the aerial survey is scheduled to start tomorrow (Tuesday, August 31) and could run until September 4. The flights are weather dependant, and may also take place at night, so at this stage the exact flying times can't be determined.
Information from the survey will be used to help engineers understand more about stormwater flows, which in turn helps with the development of the city's stormwater management projects.
The data
will also be incorporated into the council's existing
geographical information system, and will be used for a
further range of projects as well as for identifying
overland flow paths and flood plains alongside streams.