Image: Arts and heritage at Swanson park
Media release
16 August 2004
Caption: Swanson Station Park
East’s option one shows the Heritage Art
Swanson residents are set to get a new park beside their railway station.
Council-community consultation since March has resulted in two options which incorporate traditional heritage elements with post-modern design.
The plans for Swanson Station Park East will be subject to a formal two-month submission period after approval from the Waitakere Community Board. All residents will be mailed details of the concept plan and invited to contribute.
Both design options feature a heritage art wall showing the story of Swanson through art with heritage art themes throughout the park.
Groupings of native and exotics will be planted in the gardens which will include ramped access, whänau space, pavilion and a labelled nature trail.
Swanson Station Park East is expected to become an extension of the community hub at the railway station. The park’s diverse facilities will also include seating and a viewing platform with fabulous views to north and south.
Both options include a half court for ball games and one option features a skate area.
Development is planned to start in late 2005.