Int'l certification for council water services
Thu, 8 Jul 2004
International certification for council water services
July 8, 2004 North Shore City Council's water services division has gained an internationally recognised environmental certification - and it's believed to be a first in the water industry for a New Zealand local authority.
Water services general manager Geoff Mason says the ISO 14001:1996 certificate recognises the water services division's efforts to protect and improve the environment, a vital part of the council's overall business.
The certification also marks the council's efforts in achieving the high standard required for plans, documentation and processes for the development of the council's environmental management systems for stormwater, wastewater and water supply assets and operations. It enables the division to formulate policy and objectives for all of its environmental impacts, including legislative requirements.
The certificate has been awarded after almost eighteen months of hard work by staff in the division, says Mr Mason. Lead assessor, William Little of the certification authority International Certifications says the division's achievements give national and international recognition for the extensive work done by the council in helping preserve the environment.